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What We Believe

We believe in one God eternally existing in three persons.
God the Father, God the Son & the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone..
We believe we are justified (declared righteous under the blood of Jesus) when we repent of our sins and believe in Jesus Christ. That He is the incarnation of God, the second person of the Trinity, sent to the world to redeem the world through his atoning death, burial and resurrection. That He is the resurrection and the life. He revives all He touches. He bore our sins, died our death, and rose again with a fire stronger than the grave. He ascended to the Father's glory, from where He now rules and reigns over all.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of revival. He is the sacred flame that ignites, the divine river that renews, the holy wine that intoxicates, the sovereign wind that blows where it pleases. He is the Spirit of God that regenerates, sanctifies, illuminates, and revives. He is the Spirit of Divinity, pure, powerful, and miraculous. Where He is there is freedom, there is life. One way we demonstrate this freedom is in our pursuit of creativity in worship. Through visual art, musical sounds, drama, poetry, spoken word, and movement, we point people to the glory of our God. We also believe that signs and wonders, as well as all the gifts of the Spirit described in the New Testament, are operative today and are designed to testify to the presence of the Kingdom and to empower and edify the Church to fulfill its calling and mission.
We believe the face of Christianity is one born from a relationship with the heart of God through his Word and His spirit and not from religious traditions.
We believe the Word of God is alive and powerful. We believe that the Bible is the only inspired and written word of God. That it is infallible and profitable for correction and instruction in righteousness. It is the divine revelation, the holy wisdom. It wounds and heals, kills and makes alive. It revives us causing our hearts to burn. It instructs us with the fire of wisdom, giving us the mind of Christ. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
We believe in life and stand for the rights of the unborn. We believe that sexual relations are a gift from God to be enjoyed and celebrated within a loving marriage relationship between one man and one woman.
We believe the church is the community of Christ. It is the fireplace in which His fire burns. It is the lampstand that shines. It is the light of the world. We also believe in and are praying for a great end–time harvest of souls and the emergence of a victorious Church that will experience an unprecedented unity, purity and power in the Holy Spirit.
We believe the church is to be a family built on authentic relationships where all can be fully known, accepted and included. A place where all can receive the Unconditional Love of God, be discipled and encouraged to walk in His ways, His plans and with His purpose.
We believe this church was birthed with the mission of

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