Before registering, please take the time to read the guidelines below.
• Seating capacity is limited so you will have to register on Event Brite each Sunday.
• Masks must be worn in and while walking around the building. If vaccinated you may remove your mask once seated if you wish.
• The hard one – We ask that you refrain from hugging or physical contact.
• We encourage you to wash your hands upon entering the building or use sanitizer available upon entering.
• At this time, I am encouraging people who may have been exposed to Covid-19 or experiencing symptoms in the past 14 days to continue to join us online until medically clear. Similarly, those who are older, have health impairments that would put you at a potentially greater risk for serious illness, or those who are currently feeling any form of illness, or have traveled internationally or to a state on the NYS travel advisory list, should enjoy the service online as well until medically safe to attend in person.
• There will be no Children’s church during Sunday service. We will keep you updated as soon as we resume.
Please be patient with us as we navigate this new system and work together for everyone’s safety. We can’t wait to see you and worship together. Feel free to email with any questions.